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John & Frances West Family Group

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How to Enrol with J&FWFG

If you are related to John & Frances West and are registered in the Christ's Hospital Standard Pedigrees, then you are eligible to become an associate member of The John & Frances West Family Group. If you are not registered and can prove consanquinity (blood relative) the group encourages you to register with Christ’s Hospital first as this will save administrative time in checking your details.

Please apply to...

Linda Moore
Membership Secretary

Note 1: The Family Group does not have the resources to carry out extensive genealogical research on behalf of members or prospective members.   The Group may be able to answer simple enquiries.   Those wishing to apply for membership need to be able to submit a valid pedigree or show that their family is included in the Standard Pedigree at Christ's Hospital quoting a pedigree number.

Note 2: An application form may be requested from the Membership Secretary.  Where several members from one household are interested in the Group, you will be asked to nominate one family representative to be the contact person and to receive correspondence. Members of the same family but living at a different address may apply for membership in their own right.

Note 3: The J&FWFG does not issue or influence the award of pensions or scholarships under the West trust. For these purposes you must register at Christ's Hospital. Enrolling in the J&FWFG does not automatically register you at Christ's Hospital. To do this you will need to register.

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